
Showing posts from October, 2020

Is your WhatsApp really Secure??

WhatsApp is what something we all are fond of and we spend most of our time in chats and video call via app. The most popular app today with 1.5 billion users. Most of us are well aware of the features provided by the app like end-to-end encryption, and message delete... but how much of you are aware...    HOW TO KEEP YOUR WHATSAPP SECURE???  Image Source: WhatsApp You must ask yourself what security measures you are using to keep your account and yourself safe from the cyber threats. Don’t be in the misconception that WhatsApp is safe and it possess no risk. ...THERE IS NOTHING IN THE CYBER WORLD THAT HAVE ZERO RISK FACTORS...  I must say that WhatsApp possess equal threat as other social media sites do, instead WhatsApp security is much more important than securing other social sites. Spyware attacks have already been occurred in WhatsApp, the data sent and received via WhatsApp messages (including images, gif, documents, and videos) are vulnerable before they are ...

E-Mail Phishing: All one must know

One of the most widely used technique to perform scam and identity theft is Phishing. Image Source: Phishing is an attack against the end user which focuses on collecting user's personal data or in technical terms Personally Identifiable Information (PII) by tricking a user into providing details or clicking a link to a website, which is definitely a fraudulent website. The very common methods to attempt phishing: 1. The user has won the lottery, or getting some discount offers, so the sender ask for the personal information to transfer amount and will ask user to deposit the little bit sum of money to get the amount. Once the user pays or provides the information, the scam is done. Fig. Source: 2. Attacker claiming himself/herself to be an organization's employee like a bank employee or employee of any well-known company and send the request to user to click on link which redi...

Malware Classification, Spreading and Preventions

Malware or malicious software refers to the software that have malicious purpose i.e., it is intended to make harms on the computer system in some or other way. Malware is the combined term used for almost every type of mal codes(The bad software or block of code that want to damage your system). These includes Viruses, Worms, Trojans, Spyware, Botnets, etc. Image Source: AVG It is a general confusion with many people that virus and malware are same. They are the two different words for the same thing. Every sort of malicious program is referred to as virus for those who aren't aware of the malware categorization, but it is not like that, virus is the category of malware. The main purpose of malware is to either harm the computer system or to steal information. Every type of malware is made to do the thing in different ways so that it become hard for the antivirus programs to detect them. There is no particular path of the spreading of malware. Those can be have many so...

Ransomware- A RANSOM GAME

Image Source: Forbes